I’m Your Memory

A Window on Writing Memoir

I’m your memory, or at least that’s what most people would refer to me as. I’m more than memory though.

You know me as your whisperer. I would challenge you to consider that it’s also possible that I’m Penny - the child you were known as.

That’s right. Lean into that glimpse of knowing you just experienced. The excitement felt within your heart as it recognized me.

I saved every emotion, every physical feeling, every thought, and every childhood experience for you.

I’ve always been here. Peeking out from time to time, reminding you that I’m still here. Patiently waiting for you to find the courage you forgot you had.

I carefully protected your childhood and life experiences for you. Knowing that you would need them one day. Every little whisper and belief carefully saved intact for you.

I release them to you in bits and pieces as you write. Gently whispering them to you.

And I remind you when it hurts too much that it’s just a memory. You’ve already lived them and you survived them. Now, all you have to do is write them.

I even play with you from time to time as to when to release them to you. I experience a light-heartedness that I share with you when you think of some of the things you’ve done over the years to capture my whispers. Your memories.

Quickly coming to a stop on the highway, running to your home office as soon as you awaken, abruptly stopping while doing the dishes, or climbing out of a hot relaxing bath. Continually repeating the whisper over and over again in fear that you’ll forget. All in an effort to catch me before I slip away from you.

I have traveled a lifetime with you and will continue to do so for the rest of your life. A faithful companion for you. Tirelessly capturing every moment and releasing it back to you when you need it most.

You can lean on me. Trust in me. Everything is safe within me. Our secrets to be shared, or not, by you - when I whisper in your ear.